It is a great pleasure, that successfully we have completed 12 (twelve) years; each and every year we have learn huge through our activities & implementation of different projects. Scenario is getting change in every day. Word “development” is not uncommon word to anyone in the world. Also it is a ongoing process. Myself & my team always tried our level best to achieve the goals, with valuable experience. Sometimes we couldn’t win the race but we have gain the experience. With enormous support from govt. (both country & state) & community we have been able to touch the twelfth mile stone. I am sure community & Government will help us to reach 100 mile stone & then we can jointly say, our journey has started from 100 to next 1000. Sincere thanks to my colleagues, patronizes & viewers those who extend their loves, respect & strong support to create this trees under which we all takes our peace of breaths.
Mr. Kamalesh Datta Choudhury
Kaliyaganj Astha Sebayon Samity