About us
Kaliyaganj Astha Sebayon Samity (KASS) was established on 3rd November’ 2003 with the pioneer thoughts of the present secretary. Just after completion of collage education, Mr. Kamalesh Datta Choudhury (Secretary) started his carrier with social activities. Behind the scene, which activated his professionalism towards this direction was extreme wretehed condition of the local inhabitants, those who had migrated from ‘BANGLADESH’, just after 1971 war in between India & then PAKISTAN. Also his father’s activities, who was in police service, has motivated, (Secretary) to create an environment where common people will get a good support for his all round development in the present scenario, considering the prevalent situation. Close observation with the condition of local people, Secretary was enlightened to start his carrier.

         As he was experience with the inhabitants of the remote areas of ‘WEST DINAJPUR’ specially with ‘RAJBANGSHI’. He was completely devoted for social life & work. He started his activities with the lightening of ‘BLOOD DONATION CAMP’ under Government of West Bengal (Health Department). Existing activities of Country Government & State Government. Strike his mind to strengthen the infrastructural support & human resource of this districts.

Formation    : Very quickly he realized that, he cannot achieve his target, if he work alone. He expressed his deepconcern with his, nearest & dearest. Some of them responded, positive way while others react in a reverse mode. Even no one, was ready to accept any challenges because the concern members were not clear what path they will follow to over came the prevalent though situation.

         In spite of having all the hindrance & obstacle, finally present formation was constructed under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Kamalesh Datta Choudhury.

         By heart, until & unless people realize the word development it is very difficult for anyone to make understand of the core theme.

         Finally, Kaliyaganj Astha Sebayon Samity was spelt out slowly by the members, with their initial activity i.e. sitting at a temporary place but within the schedule time.   

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